XMU Online Chinese Language Program for International Chinese Teacher Scholarship
项目特色 Program Features
智能分班 灵活调班
小班教学 课上互动
课后练习 无限回看
Smart placement, flexible scheduling
Teaching in small classes, real-time Interaction in class
Exercise after class, unlimited replay
授课平台及软件 Teaching Platform & Software
Online real-time interactions with teachers and unlimited replay through Tencent Class, Tencent Meeting, Wechat, etc.
学习期限 Study Periods
一学期汉语研修 One semester program :2021.03.01- 2021.06.25
一学年汉语研修 One year program:2021.01.04- 2021.01.20, 2021.03.01- 2021.07.30
课程内容 Courses
1. 汉语必修课程:综合汉语,汉语口语,汉语听力,分8个等级A级(初级)-B级(中级)-C级(高级)-D级(高级进阶),可根据自测标准选择相应的等级。
Major courses: Comprehensive Chinese, Oral Chinese, Chinese Listening. XMU provides eight levels Chinese courses as following: A level (Pre- Elementary), A+ level (Elementary), B level (Pre-Intermediate), B+ level (Intermediate), C level (Pre- Advanced), C+ level (Advanced), D level (Upper- Advanced I), D+ level (Upper- Advanced II). We will select the corresponding grade for you according to the test results.
3. 汉语选修课程:HSK辅导、成语故事、经贸口语、报刊阅读、现代汉语词汇、现代汉语语法、现代汉语修辞。
Optional courses: HSK Tutorials, Chinese Idioms and Their Stories, Spoken Business Chinese, Newspaper Reading, Modern Chinese Lexicology, Modern Chinese Grammar, Modern Chinese Rhetoric.
3. 中国传统文化线上讲座:亚星正网为国际学生开设了丰富的中国传统文化学术讲座,涉及内容包括中国书法、绘画、戏曲、音乐、电影、剪纸、武术、茶艺等非物质文化遗产。
Online lectures on traditional Chinese culture: The school offers a wealth of academic lectures on traditional Chinese culture for international students, covering intangible cultural heritage such as Chinese calligraphy, paintings, opera, music, movie, paper cutting, martial arts, tea art, etc.
Note: Actual course structure is subject to adjustment.
课表及课时 Class Schedules & Class Hours
From Monday to Friday. The specific class time may be arranged taking into account the time zone you are in. Different grades have different class timetables.
申请要求 Application Requirements
1. 在中国境外的非中国籍人士。
Non-Chinese citizens overseas.
2. 身心健康,品学兼优。
In good physical and mental conditions, and with good academic performance and conduct.
3. 有志于从事中文教育、教学及相关工作。
With strong interest in learning Chinese, applicants committed to the Chinese language education and related work are preferred.
4. 年龄为16-35周岁 (以2020年9月1日计)。
Between the ages of 16 and 35 (as of September 1st, 2020).
奖学金类别及申请条件 Scholarship Categories & Qualifications
Chinese Language (one year): With minimum score of 210 on HSK test (level 3).
Chinese Language (one semester): A HSK test score is required.
奖学金涵盖范围Scholarship Coverage
Applicants who meet the admission requirements can participate in the online teaching program of International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship without tuition.
如何申请 How to Apply
1. 登陆国际中文教师奖学金申请系统http://cis.chinese.cn/account/login 并注册账户。
Register and log in for the Scholarship application system: http://cis.chinese.cn/account/login .
2. 填写申请表,奖学金类别请选择一学期研修生(线上授课)或一学年研修生(线上授课),并选择学习时间2021年3月至2021年6月(一学期)或2021年1月至2021年7月(一学年)和接收院校为“厦门大学”。
Fill in the application form online. As for the scholarship category, please select one semester (study online) or one year (study online). As for the duration of study, for one semester program, please select March of 2021 to July of 2021; for one-year program, please select January of 2021 to July of 2021. As for the host institution, please select 厦门大学.
3. 填写并上传全部申请材料后,点击“提交”按钮。
Click submit after uploading all the application documents as required.
4. 返回查看申请信息,并关注申请进度。
Check application information and progress.
电子版证书及成绩单授予Electronic Certificate and Transcripts to be Awarded
You will be awarded electronic Certificate of Completion and electronic transcripts upon completion of study.
联系方式 Contact Information
■ 厦门大学招生办公室(负责国际学生招生和录。
XMU Admissions Office (for the overall enrollment of international students)
Address: Admissions office, 3rd floor of No. 3 Jiageng building, Siming campus, Xiamen University, Fujian, China 361005
电话 Tel: 0086-592- 2184792
网站 Website: http://admissions@xmu.edu.cn
邮箱 Email: admissions@xmu.edu.cn
■ 厦门大学国际中文教育亚星正网/海外教育亚星正网(负责线上汉语项目的授课)
XMU International Chinese Education College/ Overseas Education College (for teaching of the Online Chinese Language Program)
地址: 中国福建省厦门市翔安南路厦门大学翔安校区海外教育亚星正网,邮编361102
Address: Overseas Education College, Xiang'an Campus of Xiamen University South Xiang'an Road, Xiamen, Fujian, China, 361102
电话 Tel: 0086-592-2186211
网站 Website.: http://oec.xmu.edu.cn
邮箱 Email: oec@xmu.edu.cn
微信 Wechat: xmuoec
Kunluan Building (Building 2, Main Building Group), Xiang'an Campus, Xiamen University, Xiang'an South Road, Xindian Town, Xiang'an
District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China 361102, School of Overseas Education, Xiamen University
Email: oec@xmu.edu.cn (Enrollment) oecbgs@xmu.edu.cn (Office) Website: http://oec.xmu.edu.cn/
Tel:+86 (0) 592 2186211 Fax:+86 (0) 592 2093346