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亚星正网:Prospectus for Admission to the 2023 Bachelor's Degree Program in Chinese Language International Education College/Overseas Education College Xiamen University

Program Overview


This program is open to students who are non-Chinese nationals with a high school diploma or above. The program consists of three study orientations: Chinese for Business, Chinese for Education, and Chinese for Culture.


Chinese for Business aims to train students to acquire solid communication skills in Chinese and broad knowledge of international trade so as to enable students to use Chinese fluently in Sino-foreign business talks.


Chinese for Education aims to train students to master basic theories and methods of teaching Chinese as a foreign language and have good literary and cultural knowledge, so that they can engage in international Chinese education with competitive power in TCFL teaching and research and international promotion of the Chinese language.


Chinese for Culture aims to train students to develop good communication skills in Chinese, acquire knowledge and skills of the Chinese language systematically, and help improve their understanding of Chinese national conditions and Chinese culture, so that they can use Chinese proficiently in Sino-foreign cultural exchanges.


Duration of Study


Four years, full-time, enrolment in autumn.


Admission requirements

Applicants who have no grounding in the Chinese language or who have not obtained a HSK3 score of 180 or higher can first improve their Chinese language skills in our school. Those with a HSK3 score of 180 can enter the first grade. Those with 210 HSK level 4 can directly enter the second grade.



Spring: February to June


Autumn: September to January of the following year


Third term: June to July


School Time: Monday to Friday


Students’ schedules vary from class to class. Approximately 18-24 class hours per week.




140 credits




Main Chinese language courses: Chinese, Speaking, and Listening (each consists of three levels: primary, intermediate, and advanced)


Common required course: Overview of China


Specialised courses:


Main specialised courses for Business: Basic Principles of Economics, Practices of International Trade, Introduction to Chinese Economy, International Trade, International Finance, Currency and Banking, Marketing, Management, Case Studies of International Trade, E-Commerce, etc.


Main specialised courses for Culture: Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, Ancient Chinese Literature, Ancient Chinese, Chinese History, Introduction to Chinese Culture, Sino-foreign Cultural Exchange, Chinese Folk Culture, Chinese Human Geography, Idioms and Chinese Culture, Business Culture, lectures on cultural topics, etc.


Main specialised courses for Education: Modern Chinese Phonetics, Modern Chinese Grammar, Modern Chinese Vocabulary, Modern Chinese Rhetoric, Theory and Method of TCSL, General Theory of Education, Educational Psychology, Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, Introduction to Chinese Culture, Ancient Chinese Literature, Ancient Chinese Language, Chinese Human Geography, etc.


Academic Degree and Diploma to Be Awarded


Degree: Bachelor of Arts


Diploma: Diploma in Chinese Language from Xiamen University (undergraduate)




Application fee: RMB 400 (non-refundable, to be paid during online registration )

Tuition fee: RMB 26,000 per year (charged in RMB on a per academic year basis, excluding textbook fees)


Please note that Xiamen University strictly follows the tuition policies of the government. Fees are charged in strict accordance with regulations stipulated in the admission prospectus. Do not trust any school fee payment notice other than the admission prospectus and the enrollment instructions.


Eligibility for Application


1. Applicants must be non-Chinese nationals aged between 18 to 30 (as of September 1, 2023) who are physically and mentally healthy, and who hold a valid regular passport.


(1) According to the relevant regulations, foreign citizens of Chinese origin, including former Chinese citizens who have obtained foreign citizenship, as well as the non-Chinese descendants of current or former Chinese citizens, will be subject to a preliminary review of citizenship status by XMU during the admission stage, and to verification of citizenship by the entry and exit administration department of China’s public security authorities. Applicants who fail to pass the preliminary review or verification of citizenship will be deemed to have voluntarily relinquished their eligibility for admission, as well as the subsequent academic registration that they may obtain.


(2) In accordance with Article 5 of the Nationality Law of the People’s Republic of China, a person whose parents are both Chinese citizens and have both settled abroad, or one of whose parents is a Chinese citizen and has settled abroad, shall not have Chinese citizenship if he or she has acquired foreign citizenship at birth. Starting in 2021, if such a person applies to study in a bachelor’s degree program at XMU as an international student, in addition to meeting the University’s all other application requirements, he or she is required to have held a valid foreign passport for at least 4 years and have actually resided in a foreign country for at least 2 years in the past 4 years (as of April 30, 2022) (9 months of residence in a foreign country counts as a full year. The dates of the entry and exit stamps in the passport will be followed in the determination of the actual length of foreign residence). This requirement is also applicable to residents of the Chinese Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, or Macao who have emigrated to a foreign country and obtained foreign citizenship and are applying to study in a bachelor’s degree program at XMU as international students.


(3) Applicants under the age of 18 (by September 1, 2023) should submit a Guarantee Statement 



2. Applicants should be graduating high school students or hold a high school diploma with a satisfactory academic record.


3. Scholarship applicants should also meet the age limit requirements of the respective scholarships.


Application Documents


1. A scanned copy of the first page of the passport (regular passport, valid through October 31, 2023).


Note: Applicants that fall into the category specially defined in “Eligibility for Application” will be subject to a preliminary review of citizenship status, depending on their citizenship status, should follow the instructions in the application system to upload the documents required for the preliminary review of citizenship status and bring the relevant paper documents upon enrollment to XMU; failure to do so will affect registration and citizenship verification.


2. Birth certificate


3. Parents’ identity documents


4. High school diploma or Certificate of Expected Graduation, bearing the official stamp of the school.


(1) Applicants with Certificates of Expected Graduation should obtain a high school diploma before their enrollment at XMU in September 2023.


(2) The originals of the diplomas should be made available for verification upon enrolment at XMU.


5. Academic transcripts of high school studies, bearing the stamp of the School.


(1) Graduating high school students should submit academic transcripts for each year of high school to date.


(2) High school graduates should submit a complete set of high school transcripts.


(3) The score report of their national unified exam for high schools or internationally accepted standardized tests, e.g., UEC/A Level/ AP/IB/ SAT/ACT.


6. A Chinese language proficiency certificate (within the validity period). Applicants who have taken all courses in Chinese during their high school studies are exempt from the HSK certificate requirement, but a Chinese-as-medium-of-instruction certificate from the high school should be furnished.


7. A letter of recommendation in Chinese or English, bearing the signature of the recommender or the official stamp of the recommending organization.


8. A personal statement (no less than 800 characters, written in Chinese, including a self-introduction, a description of one’s educational experience, goals and plans for study in China).


9. Physical Examination Record for Inbound Travellers 

(https://admissions.xmu.edu.cn/info/1141/1745.htm) including chest the X ray image, electrocardiogram, laboratory exam results and data sheets of some required items, completed in Chinese or English, with the lower part of the applicant’s photo stamped by the hospital. Physical examination results are valid for 6 months.


10. A Scanned copy of the Financial Guarantee for International Students and its supporting documents, which must be completed in Chinese or English, and provide proof of deposit sufficient to cover his or her tuition, accommodation, living expenses and international travels during his or her study in China. The Statement should be accompanied by a scanned copy of the financial sponsor’s valid passport or identification certificate. Applicants for scholarships are not exempt from this requirement. (https://admissions.xmu.edu.cn/cn/info/1136/2000.htm)


11. Certificate of No Criminal Record. The applicants shall submit a valid Certificate of No Criminal Record issued by the local police, usually within 6 months before the date of submission of the application.


12. If applicants have other supporting documents, such as documents on academic, sports, and recreational competition awards, volunteer certificates, community service or skills certificates, they may submit them in the “Supporting Materials” section in the application system as well.




(1) Once the application is submitted, the applicant cannot modify the application information or application materials. Therefore, before submitting your application, please check carefully to ensure that the information and materials submitted are comprehensive, true and complete. Applications with inaccuracies or omissions will not be accepted by the University. Failure to meet the admission regulations for international students or any falsification or misrepresentation, whenever it is confirmed, will result in disqualification of application, enrollment, student status, graduation and degrees awarded in accordance with the regulations of the educational authorities and the University.


(2) If any forms, documents and certificates used in the application are in languages other than English or Chinese, they should be accompanied by a notarized translation into Chinese or English in addition to the original documents. It is recommended that these documents and their translations be notarized at the Chinese Embassy (Consulate) in your home country. Please stamp on the edges of all sheets with part of the impression on each sheet if the document consists of more than one page; alternatively, stamp on each page of the document.


(3) In general, there is no need to mail original hard-copy materials through courier service. However, under extraordinary circumstances, the University reserves the right to require applicants to submit, by mail, original hard-copy documents for further review and identification. No application materials will be returned, regardless of the outcome of the application.


Application Method


Submit your application online and pay the application fee via the Application System for Overseas Students of Xiamen University http://application.xmu.edu.cn 


Application Deadline


April 30, 2023

If there are any special circumstances, please contact us in advance.


Contact Information


Contact: Ms. Peng, Mr. Zhao

Tel: 0086-592-2186211, 2184916

Email: oec@xmu.edu.cn


The XMU International Education College / Overseas Education College Chinese Language is responsible for interpreting this Prospectus.


Kunluan Building (Building 2, Main Building Group), Xiang'an Campus, Xiamen University, Xiang'an South Road, Xindian Town, Xiang'an

District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China 361102, School of Overseas Education, Xiamen University

Email: oec@xmu.edu.cn (Enrollment) oecbgs@xmu.edu.cn (Office) Website: http://oec.xmu.edu.cn/

Tel:+86 (0) 592 2186211 Fax:+86 (0) 592 2093346
