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Profile of Xiamen University Chinese International Education College / Overseas Education College

Founded in 1956, the Chinese International Education College (Overseas Education College) at Xiamen Universityhas a rich history marked by several transformations. It initially started as the Overseas Correspondence Department, evolving into the Overseas Correspondence College and eventually becoming the Overseas Education College. For a time, the college also operated under a shared administration with the International College.In October 2020, to capitalize on emerging opportunities in international Chinese language education, the Overseas Education College merged with the Southern Base of Confucius InstituteHeadquarters (Office ofConfucius Institute Affairs). This merger resulted in the institution being dually named the Chinese International Education College.

With nearly seven decades of growth, the College has cultivated a distinctive profile that effectively balances international Chinese language education with cultural dissemination. It offers a range of both degree and non-degree programs, utilizing a combination of in-person and remote teaching methods, while pursuing parallel tracks of theoretical research and practical application. In addition to its educational initiatives, the College is tasked with managing and developing Xiamen University’s 14 Confucius Institutes and overseeing a Chinese Language and Culture Research Center. It currently comprises several key components, including the Department of Chinese Language, the Center for Language Education and Cooperation, the Southern Base of Confucius InstituteHeadquarters, and the Department of Advanced Studies for Students from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao.Additionally, the College operates an examination center for the HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) and the CTCSOL (Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Language).

The College boasts a well-rounded and highly professional team of educators. Among the 66 full-time faculty members, 24 hold the rank of associate professor or higher. Each educator has experience studying abroad, teaching Chinese as a foreign language, or participating in teacher training. Through rigorous faculty development, the College is dedicated to advancing academic disciplines, enhancing teaching and research, and extending its services to the community.

Additionally, the College is committed to creating a top-tier talent cultivation system. This includes offering academic master’s degree programs in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, professional master’s degree programs in International Chinese Language Education, and bachelor’s degree programs in Chinese Language tailored for international students. The goal is to develop adaptable, internationally-minded professionals with a strong foundation in the humanities, exceptional cross-cultural communication skills, linguistic proficiency, and a global perspective.Furthermore, the College broadens its impact through remote education for overseas learners, specialized classes for students from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and overseas Chinese communities, as well as short-term and long-term study programs for international students in China. It also provides training for faculty at Confucius Institutes, including both Chinese and foreign directors, Chinese language instructors, and volunteers, along with various group study tours to China.With a comprehensive curriculum, a practical system that integrates domestic and international experiences, and a rich array of cultural engagement activities, students are well-prepared to participate in international exchanges and promote Chinese culture. Over the past seven decades, the College has graduated approximately 65,000 students from more than 100 countries and regions, and hasserved over 350,000 registered learners in jointly established Confucius Institutes worldwide.

The College maintains close collaboration with Confucius Institutes worldwide, aligning its efforts with the practical demands of international education. By integrating innovative concepts and hands-on experience in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the College explores the applicability and unique nuances of education across different countries. This approach has fostered a robust research agenda, leading to significant scholarly achievements. Over the past decade, the College has successfully undertaken 77 research projects supported by the National Social Science Fund of China and the Ministry of Education. It has published over 30 academic monographs and textbooks, as well as more than 600 high-quality papers in academic journals both domestically and internationally. These publications cover a wide range of fields, including cultural studies, pedagogy, and linguistics, reflecting a strong emphasis on nation-specific research. Additionally, the College actively promotes academic exchange through various platforms. Its flagship journal, Overseas Chinese Education, has been published for over two decades and holds considerable influence in the academic community.

To support international Chinese language education and the development of Confucius Institutes, the College has established the Xiamen University Center for Language Education and Cooperation. This center is dedicated to advancing Chinese language education on a global scale through the Confucius Institutes, overseeing the management and development of 14 Confucius Institutes and aChinese Language and Culture Research Center across five continents. The center actively engages in collaborative language exchange and cooperation with partner institutions both within China and abroad, with the goal of establishing a model for Chinese-foreign language exchange and cooperation. It aims to build a comprehensive platform for language learning, cultural exchange, and multifaceted inter-institutional collaboration.

The College aspires to be a leading institution in international Chinese language education, characterized by innovative ideas, distinctive attributes, and exemplary leadership. Its mission is to expand educational outreach, promote the global dissemination of Chinese language and culture, and cultivate a deeper understanding of China worldwide. In doing so, the College aims to facilitate the exchange and mutual learning of civilizations and enhance cultural interactions between China and the global community.


中国福建省厦门市翔安区新店镇翔安南路厦门大学翔安校区坤銮楼(主楼群二号楼) 厦门大学海外教育亚星正网 361102

电子邮件:oec@xmu.edu.cn(招生) oecbgs@xmu.edu.cn(办公室) 网站:http://oec.xmu.edu.cn/

电话: +86 (0)592 2186211 传真: +86 (0)592 2093346
