Notice on the 2nd Xiamen University “Hui Shi Zhong Guo (Discovering China)” Chinese Language Contest for International Students
主办:厦门大学教务处 学生工作处
Sponsor: Academic Affairs Office & Student Affairs Office of Xiamen University
Organizer: Chinese International Education College (Overseas Education College) of Xiamen University
In a bid to promote the international communication of Chinese culture, interpret the fine connotation of Chinese culture, highlight the charm of the Chinese language and culture, and help the international students of Xiamen University to improve their Chinese language proficiency, Chinese International Education College(Overseas Education College) of Xiamen University is going to hold the 2nd Xiamen University “Hui Shi Zhong Guo (Discovering China)” Chinese Language Contest for International Students. Here is the notice about this event:
I. Theme
“Hui Shi Zhong Guo (Discovering China)” aims at encouraging international students to discover Chinese elements in their lives and turn them into “micro stories” with fresh and true feelings, which can be presented through short videos, speeches and descriptions.
II. Participants
All international students of Xiamen University (including graduate students, undergraduate students, and trainees).
The college will invite well-known experts in related fields to conduct pre-competition training, including the short video creation and international communication skills.
III. Forms
Short video: collected from international students in China and abroad;
2. 演讲:线上线下同步
Speech: both online and on-site;
3. 汉字书写(硬笔书法):现场比赛
Chinese character writing (hard-pen calligraphy): on-site completion within a specified time limit.
IV. Registration and Works Submission
Please scan the QR code to submit your registration information before May 15th.
2. 赛前培训
Pre-competition training
The college will organize pre-competition training from late June to early July.
Works Submission and Speech Contest
Short Video
Participants should upload their works and related introduction to Baidu Net-disk before July 1st, and then send the sharing link to The email subject should be written in this order: “name + profession + video + the title of works”.
Speech Contest
Offline speech contest will be held in October 2023 (provisional).
Calligraphy Works
Hard-pen calligraphy competition will be organized offline. Online participants please submit your entry (signature required) in PDF format to before July 1st, with the email subject typed as “name + major + calligraphy + title of entry”. Online participants should also provide their live video and photos of the writing competition to ensure the authenticity of the works.
V. Awards
First, second and third prizes of each program will be selected and bonus and certificates will be awarded to the winners.
VI. Requirements for Works
1. 语言要求:需使用汉语演讲、拍摄短视频。
Language: Speeches and short videos should be made in Chinese;
2. 参赛作品须为原创。
Original works are required;
3. 大赛组委会享有对参赛作品展示、汇编、发行及网络传播等权利,参赛者享有署名权。
The organizing committee has the right to display, compile, distribute, and disseminate online the works, and the participants have the right of authorship;
4. 演讲稿字数1000字以内,演讲时长不超过5分钟。
Speeches should be limited within 1,000 characters and last within five minutes;
5. 短视频大赛:使用中文录制不超过5分钟以内的短视频,并配中文字幕,具体形式不限,演讲访谈,剧情短片,才艺展示或其他形式均可。可以组成团体参赛,也可以个人报名参赛。
Short Video Contest: Short videos should be kept within 5 minutes and made in Chinese with Chinese subtitles. The form can be speech, interview, short play, talent show or other. Participants can enter as a team or as individuals;
6. 内容围绕中国文化、社会生活等方面进行个人视角的表现。
Submitted works should reflect Chinese culture, social life, or other aspects from the author’s own perspective.
7. 书法大赛:由组织单位提供选题,参赛选手可提前练习,比赛现场在规定时间内完成一幅作品。
Calligraphy Competition: the organizer will provide the texts of the competition. Participants can practice in advance and shall produce their works on site within a specified time limit.
Chinese International Education College (Overseas
Education College), Xiamen University
April 20th, 2023